Welcome back to our Zen Dog Spotlight! This week's feature we are thrilled to introduce you to energetic and always excited labrador Nelson! Every time we see this happy boy for his walks with DogZenergy, he flashes us his gorgeous smile. Adorable Nelson has been featured on our social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, he's such a photogenic boy! Nelson's high spirited energy and ready to go attitude ensures an awesome experience for our DogZenergy team members and him on his weekday daily walks. Nelson has the biggest heart and only wants to share his love with the world. Take it away Nelson!
State your full name and let us know a bit about your background.
"Nelson! I suppose Nelson Shalygin if I had to have a last name…I was actually raised and trained to be a guide dog for the blind but I decided about a year into that career that it just wasn’t right for me and that instead I’d rather play in the sun on the beach or in the snow on the mountain. I’d say it has worked out quite well. I grew up in Seattle but my owner moved to San Diego to be a doctor two years ago and now I live here."
What’s your favorite toy and why?
"My blue bone. I carry it around everywhere I go and like to (literally) put it in peoples faces, but I don’t want them to take it…just see how cool it is."
What does your typical day consist of, and what would your ideal day include?
"Well, my owner works a lot and is gone often from sunrise to sundown so during the day I hang out outside, usually laying in the warm sun listening to the sound of the ocean. I get walked really early in the morning and late at night by him but also in middle of the day by my DogZenergy friends. When’s my owner is not working we usually go to the beach, for a hike, or to fiesta island."
Who is your best friend and how did you meet?
"My best friend is Lloyd, he’s a chocolate lab, we met in Seattle but he now lives in Salt Lake City. My other best friend is Pippa, she’s a shepherd mix, we met in Seattle too and she now lives in Portland. I have some new friends here in San Diego but no one like them yet."
What is the one question you wish your human would stop asking you, and the one question you wish your human would never stop asking you?
"I wish he would stop asking me to stop peeing on the sidewalk…sometimes I just want to pee on cement vs grass, sue me! I hope he never stops asking me if I want a fish skin or kale stem…because the answer is always going to be yes!"
If you were going to win an award at the "Oscar Pet Awards" would you want to win it for 1.) Cuteness 2.) Heroism/Courage 3.) Sassiness 4) Loyalty 5) Fashionista. Give us a quick example/story of why we should pick you!
"LOYALTY…I never leave my owner’s side. Whenever we hike in a group I always run up and down the trail to make sure the people in the back are not lost and the people in the front know where they are going. I like to keep tabs on everyone."
Any other insight you would like us to know?
"I love all people."