Zen Dog Spotlight: Bingley and Walter — DogZenergy

This week we are delighted to introduce you to the adorable pug duo, Bingley and Walter! These two handsome boys are always happy and ready for anything, especially when Zen team member Molly gets to hang out with them. We have featured both of them on our Instagram @dogzenergy, showing off their sweet mugs. Take it away Bingley and Walter!  

State your full name and let us know a bit about your background.

      "My name is Bingley "Boo Boo" D'Orsi, I was named after Charles Bingley form Pride and Prejudice. I will be 9 years young on June 25th. I've been with my Mom and Dad since I was 8 weeks old and Mom told Dad I am getting a pug deal with it. I am originally from Philadelphia but made the cross country trip to San Diego with my family almost 5 years ago, sadly they did not leave my kitty sister Lola behind in Philly." 

      "Hi I am Walter. I've been with my family a little under two years and I am 9.5 years old. I first came to them as a foster dog through Pug Rescue of San Diego. My former family did not take very good care of me. Mom says they are my third owner (and last). After only having me a few months they fixed me right up and decided they couldn't be without my beefy self and "foster failed"."    

     What’s your favorite toy and why?

      Bingley: "Does Mom's lap count as a toy?"

      Walter: "I love my blue denta bone. Mom and Dad tried to buy me a new one but I wasn't having any of it. I also enjoy my Chewbacca squeaky toy."

      What does your typical day consist of, and what would your ideal day include?

      Bingley: "Starting at 5am I attempt to wake Mom up to feed me. They've gotten too smart these humans and have invented ways to prevent me from scratching at the door, but I always outsmart them. After I eat and take a walk, I head to my crate for much needed sleep, then my humans come home at dinner and I spend the rest of the night glued to my Mom's lap and barking at any four legged creatures that dare show their face on the tv screen. Then I get to sleep in a king sized bed, because I am a spoiled pug (Mom's words not mine)" 

      Walter: "Wake up, sit on Mom's face until she wakes up and feeds me. Sleep in my crate, which I love more than anything in the whole world, I have what the humans have called a tempurpedic mattress and I love it. Beg for treats, take more naps. Did I mention I like naps?"

      Who is your best friend and how did you meet?

     Bingley: "Mom is my best friend, I never leave her side and also my brother Frankie he passed to the rainbow bridge almost 2 years ago, and I miss him all the time."  

      Walter: "Dad no one is better than Dad." 

    What is the one question you wish your human would stop asking you, and the one question you wish your human would never stop asking you?

      Bingley:  "It's not so much a question, but Mom does say "Boo Boo stop barking at the tv" like all the time. And also when I wake her up early to eat she says "Under the covers" which is my cue to get back in bed.  I wish she'd never stop asking me if I want a treat."

      Walter: "The humans tell me all the time that I have stinky breath. I wish they would never stop telling me what a good boy I am." 

        If you were going to win an award at the "Oscar Pet Awards" would you want to win it for  1.) Cuteness 2.) Heroism/Courage 3.) Sassiness 4) Loyalty 5) Fashionista.  Give us a quick example/story of why we should pick you!

      Bingley: "I would definitely win for Loyalty and Courage . I am Mom's best friend and I stick to her like glue. We have been through so much together, including the loss of my beloved brother Frankie, and I had major scary neck surgery last year that required 9 weeks of rehabilitation and Mom says I am her warrior dog. She also says when I am tired I have the adorable habit of sticking my tongue out, which just adds to my charm." 

     Walter: "I would win for Cuteness and Courage. Cuteness because everyone says I look like a melon (hence my full name Waltermelon) I have more rolls than a bakery too. Courage because I weathered adversity, I had three homes in my life and the last one sadly neglected me. I am an ambassador not only for adoption but also for senior dogs. Mom and Dad say that adopting me was the best decision they ever made." 

      Any other insight you would like us to know?

     "Pugs are the best most affectionate dogs around. They say we are the comedians of the dog world and it's sort of true. Also we never met a piece of popcorn we wouldn't go bananas for. We encourage anyone interested in a pug to check out Pug Rescue of San Diego or Pug Nation Rescue in LA." 

A big thank you to Bingley, Walter, and their mama Shannon for participating in this week's Zen Dog Spotlight!

