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DogZenergy 2015 Holiday Party!


DogZenergy 2015 Holiday Party!

Don't you just love the Holidays! The DogZenergy Team got together last night at Fat Fish Cantina Grill to celebrate another fabulous year! We had a fantastic time with yummy food and drinks, a super fun re-gifted white elephant exchange, and our newest walkers met the rest of our awesome team!


Here we have Sierra, one of our newest fantastic walkers, Karen, and Victoria enjoying the night's festivities!

Brandi and Tristan, our newest awesome walker, pose for the camera like a pro!

Jamie, Brittany, and Molly always know how to have a good time!

Leora, our youngest team member poses with Brittany and her mama Carlee!

And a party's not a party unless there's a selfie stickie involved!

Happy Howlidays from the DogZenergy Team!
